Police Quest Omnipedia

Steven "Gramps" Reynolds, Badge No. 3077 is a SWAT officer of the Fairview New York SWAT.[1][2]


Reynolds, A 25 year SWAT veteran, was 30 years in service by the events of SWAT 4 (28 in TSS) under the command of Boss. He is described as staying calm, and giving his advice to the element.

In 2006 he helped Boss stop the Stetchkov Syndicate under the command of Boss.

In 2008, during the events of SWAT: Target Liberty, he was under the command of Kurt Wolfe.

Less than a month later he is put under the command of Boss (a 15 year veteran) again.


He is the Survey Specialist, and his skill is Observation. As the player plays through Target Liberty, Reynolds' Observation skill will increase:

  • Default: Sees opaque icons when mirroring.
  • Level 1: Knows where people are just off screen.
  • Level 2: Sees transparent characters when mirroring, sees people a half screen length off screen.
  • Level 3: Sees people one screen length away.
  • Level 4: "Hidden" characters in the same room are partially visible, sees people one and a half screen lengths away.
  • Abandoned Hospital (secret choice): Reynolds reports to us that he has discovered something inside the enclosed structure behind which he is located. If you have time, send him there for an inspection. Sig Sauer SP2022 upgraded to Sig Sauer P226.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Based on dates given in the games SWAT: TL appears to take place in 2007 or 2008 roughly same year as SWAT 4 (c. 2007-2008). The game takes place on September and while SWAT 4 takes place less than a month later in October. The character biography years of service in-game match the backgrounds service dates given in SWAT 4 strat guide implying that they take place in the same year.
  • SWAT 4: The Stetchkov Syndicate character bio lists Reynolds' years of service as 28 years or two years less than the main game. Perhaps suggesting TSS is a prequel. Although there maybe inconsistent details in the game itself that suggest it takes place later. Character bios for suspects and civilians also add up to 2006 date two years before SWAT4.
  • While his years of service was reduced to 28 in the expansion his summary still claims he had 30 years on the force, and 25 year veteran of SWAT (creating a contradiction).


  1. SWAT 4 SG, pg 5: “Officer Name: Steven Reynolds Nickname: Gramps Badge Number: 3077 Years of Service: 30 A 30-year veteran of the force, and 25-year veteran of SWAT, Officer Reynolds is the most experienced member of the element. His experience has taught him that staying calm can be the key to survival as a SWAT officer. Realizing the value of his experience, he is always willing to give his advice to the element.”
  2. Officer Steven Reynolds Nickname: Gramps Badge No.: 3077 Years of Service: 28 A thirty year veteran of the force, and 25 year veteran of SWAT, Officer Reynolds is the most experienced member of the element. His experience has taught him that staying calm can be the key to survival as a SWAT officer. Realizing the value of his experience, he is always willing to give his advice to the element.
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SWAT 4 Characters
SWAT Boss · Steven Reynolds · Anthony Girard · Zachary Fields · Allen Jackson · Sierra 1 · Sierra 2 · Sonny Bonds · Wilson · Hanson
Factions America Now · Army of Faith · Children of Taronne
Suspects Alex Jimenez · Alice Jenkins · Allen Kruse · Andrew Taronne · Clark Jennings · Hadeon Koshka · Jean Trouffant · Lawrence Fairfax · Lian Niu · Simon Gowan
Civilians Gary Altman · Gladys Fairfax · Heidi Rosenstein · Hyun-Jun Park · James Betincourt Junior · Jeremy Walsh · Kim Dong Yin · Lawrence Adams · Louie Baccus · Melinda Kline · Theodore Sturgeon · Warren Rooney · Willis Fischer
TSS Factions Citizens Against Satanic Music · Stetchkov Syndicate
TSS Suspects Andrew Norman · Anton Georgiev · Javier Arias · Kiril Stetchkov · Todor Stetchkov
TSS Civilians Lionel Macarthur · Wilkins · Oscar Bogard · Rita Winston
SEF Factions Italian Mafia · Sovereign Citizen Movement
SEF Suspects Adam Moretti